Next year in 2022 we’ll be guessingthe brand-new iphone se3 or the se plus today we have a report of two new se sits thatapple are concluding i want to share the latest on this and more on the iphone se 2022 releasedate and cost with a epitome of specs as well. The iphone se has had two explanations come out overthe last five years we have had the first based on the iphone s blueprint that came out in 2016 with an iphone 6s chipset inside it the a9 then in 2020 we got the new iphone sc thatlooks very similar to an iphone 8 representation but features an a13 chipset inside what isidentical to the iphone 11 sits chipsets the iphone se is one of the best budgetsmartphones you can buy out there as the cost starts at 400 us dollars and it’s appealingand it’s still faster than most of the top line flagships in 2021 that will cost around threetimes as much as the iphone se the premium isn’t also the best factor the camera system is verygood and likewise the knowledge of software support will be around for about four years induces thisphone terribly pleading to mid-range budget android competitors out there so for all the new iphonese videos like this one you’re watching move forward i’m going to give you the latest detailson specific seeps then details of the schedule secrete year period then a epitome of the prototypes that aregoing to be secreted with all their facets that we’ve learned in previous organizations after i’m goingto uncover my wish list for the next iphone se likewise put in the comments below of what featuresyou’d like to see in the next iphone sc as because in my next video i may boast your remark anddiscuss my anticipates around it so a new report has come in from ming chi quo reported today some mehand positive bulletin let’s begins with that not too exciting meh news with some questions around itas you will see ko has said in 2022 we will see a brand-new iphone se nonetheless do not get excited for a newdesign as this will not change and it looks like it will be the same design as the current iphonese what is really a reproduce of the iphone 8 intend what basically in turn is a revised motif of theiphone 6 to iphone 7. Quo is claiming the biggest change to this iphone will be the new a15 chipsetwhat comes with all those bells and whistles of machine learning and it’ll say for your camerayou for example you’ll get better photos oh yeah pss the camera is also the same cameralens what you get with the current iphone se but with the a15 it can interpret thosepictures and it is certainly examine different but the other main change is to do with thatthis will be the first iphone se model to have 5g inside now for me this iphone leaves lotsof open questions for example the battery life now a good number of parties out there own aniphone 12 midi that has an ole parade and also has a battery size of 2227 milliamps but many ofthose users have grumbled that the battery life was bad even with 5g but right now with thecurrent iphone se it has only one lcd screen what is a bit more thirsty on capability than oled and likewise thebattery size inside this iphone is 1821 milliamps what is about a quarter less than the batterysize that we get with the iphone 12 mini so for apple simply to add the a15 and 5g modemto the current iphone se scheme is just like a disaster to me and i do wonder how apple will digitself out of a excavation with bad battery life for a claim budget phone the good news is that quo hassaid that another iphone se is coming in 2023 what will be larger than the 2020 and the 2022 se modeland most people believe this will be based on a similar layout to the iphone 10 r or the iphone1 1 with an a15 or a16 chipset inside and i will talk more about these specs a bit later on nowjust instantly a speedy indicate with seeps being early and to be fair any leakages even up to the iphoneesses liberate appointment i find and i prove you guys a lot of previous relations from other apples productshave come true but there has been some that sometimes get misunderstood based on information thatthe leakers have been told i can only present you what i’ve been told and depict so no legal rumorsare 100 true-life until we view the final iphone se being evidence officially from apple nonetheless ifyou are like me and you’re also watching this video then you’re as inquisitive i am in knowing whatthe next generation iphone sc is going to be like and want to know what the latest seeps and rumorsare no matter what they tell us for secrete year let’s be honest from the iphone first se to thecurrent one there was a four year breach between them nonetheless it is looking likely that breach willbe even shorter for the next iphone se sit according to ming chi quo and now digi durations it islikely that the next iphone se will be coming out in early 2022. So from now on i’ll be referringto this iphone as the iphone se 2022 brand-new iphone se the iphone se 3 or even the iphone se plus whati’ll talk about in some more other spills in other videos but for now when in 2022 are we mostlikely going to get our hands on this brand new iphone se well it is most likely we’ll be gettingit around progress or april time in 2022 and this is something that likewise quo has also confirmed in that it’sgoing to be released in q1 of 2022 based on the last two iphone se examples of when they release theoriginal iphone se was exhausted on progress 31 st in 2016 and then the 2020 modeling was launched on april2 4th it is believed that the next iphone sse modeling will be launched around the same time and mostlikely announced at the first apple happening of 2022 which is normally around mid-march to earlyapril epoch based on the kind of last five years of apple events that have happened at thistime of year when we get nearer that actual time i can probably reveal the actual exact date ofwhen the iphone se will be supplied as more holes come on in with the latest divulges and releasedate out of the way let’s move on to a summary of everything we know so far that previous reveals havepainted a picture of the details of the new iphone se with its toll as well so as i mentioned it isstill terribly very early days for the new iphone se3 or iphone se plus and you’ll participate why i’m goingto call it the iphone sc plus in a few seconds some of these divulges that we’ve had have been likeone end of the scale and then the others have been at the other end of the scales and as i meet morefurther videos into the future hopefully a great deal of this information will be cleared up but at themoment for example with the iphone se3 for the display it is looking likely we’re either going tobe getting a 4.7 inch or we’re going to be getting a 6.1 inch now that 4.7 inch if it does come truewill be an lcd display and pass us a resolution of 1334 by 750. And if you know anything rightnow this is basically identical to the current iphone se that is out right now or even theiphone 8 as well but if we do get the 6.1 inch lcd expose this will be very similar to what youget on the iphone xr or also the iphone 11 kind of regular example it’s a 6.1 inch presentation and againthat comes in with a resolution of 2532 by 1170 and it is gonna be a 60 hertz freshen frequency there’ll beno pro flow no 120 hertz because this in the day is the budget iphone there will be a total of fourgigabytes of ram inside this new iphone this is a bump up after the last generation exclusively had threegigabytes inside and then for storage options there’s only going to be two alternatives this timeof 128 gigabytes or 256 gigabytes storage option if you required more storage this is something that the iphone1 2 or the iphone 13 is all about so you can buy a more specked up foam with a big amount ofstorage inside for chipset inside due to its release came to see you early next year it is lookinglikely that we’d get an a1 5 bionic put inside this and there will too be 5g connectivity will bean absolute firstly for an iphone se sit to have so it’s really good to see this the actualbody will be made out of an aluminium figure and then on the rear again this is a thing that’skind of a conflict a little bit there will either has become a 12 megapixel single camera or there’ll be adual camera setup what is very similar to what we get on the iphone 11 or on the iphone 12 modelsright now we’re just the normal ones not the pro for battery life it depends again if we’re goingto be getting that 4.7 inch or if we’re going to be getting the 6.1 inch exhibition so if we do endup with the 4.7 inch we’ll probably be get a 1821 milliamp artillery inside but if we doget the 6.1 inch then we’ll be get a 3 110 milliamp artillery inside the base modelsare looking like it’s going to be 429 u.s. dollars for the 128 gigabyte example and then4 79 u.s. dollars for the 256 gigabyte simulate as i’ve said already guys it is likely that thesespecs and bits and pieces will change over time but this is just a picture of everythingthat has come in through divulges right now so that is a summary of the new iphone se howeverfor my thoughts and pleases my intention is actually do with the actual colorings well like thecolors of the brand-new iphone 12 examples for example and i’m hopeful that the iphone sc could get someof these dyes if possible right now there’s only a selection of white black and red on the currentiphone se well it’s still really good and i can semi understand why that is because you know thisis just the budget iphone so there’s not going to be too many pigments out there but it would begood to see a few more available but those are my wishes for the iphone se but let me know yourthoughts if you will be voting in favour of this or not and write in the comments below what your wishes would befor the brand-new iphone se well guys it’s time to wrap up this video so if you have enjoyed watching itplease make sure to like the video and at the same time if you want to hear the latest apple newsreviews and similarities delight make sure to touch the subscribe button followed by the notificationbell until next time i’ll see you soon
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